Sacha Manchi is an itinerant school for community film and communication. Since 2014, Sacha Manchi has carried out training, production and exhibition processes of communitary film and participative video, with an emphasis on territory protection . These activities have taken place alongside academic spaces for reflection, analysis and debate regarding the use of video and film for territorial struggles, as well as dissemination of traditions and indigenous peoples´ ways of life. As they are currently facing serious threats to their ways of existence due to the imposition of large-scale extractive projects.
Sacha Manchi promotes active, participative, horizontal and recursive learning processes. Learning by doing is a fundamental principle in our teaching practices, which also seek to deepen the essence of the documentary genre as a form of creative learning that has great impact.
Based on the premise of self-representation, we aim for each participant to be able to understand documentary storytelling to express their own stories using free access tools to make a podcast and broadcast it.